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How to Clean Out Your Garage

Cleaning out your garage can be overwhelming (trust us, we’ve been there), but with a little planning, organization, and elbow grease, you can transform it into a functional and tidy space. In this post, we'll cover a simple and effective approach to decluttering your garage including selling items of value, purging ones that aren’t, and storing your stuff effectively.

A garage packed full of bags, boxes, suitcases, and random junk.

Where to Start

Getting started is often the hardest part of any big project. For others it’s the middle when you look around and think, “What have I done?!”  It’s always worse before it gets better! Middle of project regret is real, but how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Breaking your project down into smaller manageable tasks is key. Our hope is that these steps will make the process smoother and more manageable.

A couch, bike, air compressor, and old fan out on the driveway.

Start with Large Items

Begin your clean-out by tackling the large items first. This will free up significant space and give you a better sense of progress. Move these items outside while you clean can create more room to work in the garage. Large items can include old furniture, appliances, bikes, or bulky equipment.

3 garage shelves with neat organized bins, tools, and balls.

Separate “Keep” Items

As you go through your garage, create a designated area for items you want to keep. This will help you see what you're working with and make it easier to organize these items later. Be honest with yourself about what you really need and use. If you haven’t used something in the past year, it might be time to let it go.

a phone that shows Facebook marketplace's website on the screen

Sell What You Can on Facebook

Begin by sorting through your garage and identifying items that are in good condition and could be sold. Use Facebook Marketplace to list these items and make some extra cash. Take clear photos and write detailed descriptions to attract potential buyers. This step not only helps you declutter but also earns you a little money for things you no longer need. Bonus!

Post for Free on Facebook

For items that are still useful but might not be worth selling, consider posting them for free on Facebook groups or local community pages. This is a great way to quickly get rid of items and help someone else in your community. Plus, it saves you the hassle of disposing of these items yourself.

A neat, organized garage. There are tools displayed on hooks on the way, bikes hanging from ceiling racks, and a green tool chest with drawers. Very tidy space

Start Bagging Items

Once the large items are out of the way, start bagging smaller items that need to be thrown away or donated. Use heavy-duty trash bags for this task.


Cleaning out your garage doesn't have to be stressful. By starting with a clear plan and breaking the process down into manageable steps, you can make the task much more achievable. Begin by selling or giving away items you no longer need, separating the things you want to keep, and tackling the largest items first. Bag up the smaller items for disposal, and soon you'll see a significant transformation in your garage space. With a little effort and organization, you'll have a clean and functional garage in no time.

Happy cleaning!

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